Skill Levels

Skill Levels Consist Of:

A Level: Very Experienced

This is a very fast-paced, high level of play. Players in this level have playing experience at the college level, junior level, semi-pro level, or pro level.

B Level: Experienced

This is a faster paced level of play. Players in this level have at least 6+ years of playing experience and know the game well. Many of these players have played at the high-school level or beyond.

C Level: Intermediate/Novice

This is a slow paced level of play. Players in this level have about 1-3 years of playing experience and are pretty familiar with the game. Players at this level have played youth hockey or got into playing at a later time in their adulthood.

D Level: Beginner

This is a beginner level of play. Players in this level have little to no playing experience.

For questions on skill levels or concerns on which level suits you best, contact Nick Mugica or Mike Carter by clicking here.